Monday 24 September 2007

Pulling a Lynndie

Most have fond memories of Lynndie England, who tried to cheer up Abu Ghraib detainees by striping them naked.
Wait, that isn´t right.
Anyway, look on the Internets for "pulling a Lynndie", just to see how out of date this "joke" is.
The object being Lynndied is my nearly finished book, which is again at the proof reader. There is a good reason for this. The book was written entirely under the influence of red wine. Every bit of it - so it is sometimes a bit mental (the last chapter is off the scale). This is also why it has taken so long to complete - it is difficult to drink red wine all day, every day, although I did try.


Anonymous said...

Although your book might be naked, I do not see it covering any genitalia. Maybe your book needs some hands and a penis. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

I found a blog with a better picture. Check this out.